Welcome to Gað lo g-celínec (Guide to Celinese), a language resource about the Celinese language. In time, this website hopes to provide a comprehensive, clear and enlightening introduction to the tongue. The site is a work in progress, but it provides information on everything from the basics of pronunciation and key phrases, to the rules behind mutation and grammatical gender; it continues to be added to regularly. Alongside our Tumblr and Facebook pages, it is also home to poetry translations, songs and quizzes.
NOTE: Hey there, folks! I can't believe that it's been over 6 years since I began this website. As a result, a fair few of the pages relating to Celinese grammar want updating, as in that intermediary period, I've noticed more than a few irregularities and quirks that were not obvious to me back then. I've already begun the process of updating pages and hope to have completed it within the next week. (A.A. 23/03/17)
You can expect some big changes in the next few months as I work towards making this an even bigger and more useful resource. I've decided to focus these pages almost entirely around autodidactic resources, the phrasebook, literary texts and some information about other Lorechian languages. Non-linguistic things about the Lorechian world will be mostly found on Celínot Èriseg and our Tumblr.